Your Own Custom Bullet Businessfor under $12,000.

Why not make money doing something you enjoy?
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With the Corbin Hydro-Press, a set of bullet swaging dies, jackets and lead wire, core cutter and swage lube, cannelure tool and accessory items to put personal touches on custom bullet designs, you can operate a custom bullet business part time or full time at home, in less than 40 square feet of space. Legal Requirements: You will need to be clear of felony convictions, and a US or Canadian resident. In the USA, you will need to obtain a Class 6 FFL, which is $30 for 3 years, and entails a visit to your local sheriff or police department with FBI fingerprint capabilities. A small additional fee may be charged by the local law enforcement office for fingerprint processing. You will file the paperwork directly with the BAFT (instructions will be provided with the package). The business can be operated in a den, garage or home workshop provided there is no property covenant or zoning law prohibiting a mail order home business there. Licensing is usually a formality, except in extremely "liberal"-thinking areas (Berkeley, California comes to mind). The usual license grant period is 60-90 days from the BAFT after submission of the forms. Most of the information on the form does not apply (hazardous waste production, for example, which is zero or below the threshold of interest and can be marked "N/A". Space and other considerations: You will need aproximately 35 square feet of work space, a 20-amp 120-VAC power outlet with standard 3-prong household socket, and a separate bank account to include an assumed business name for check deposits in the name of the business. If you plan to use an on-line web store (Corbin can help you set this up) ask your bank to help you set up secure transfers from the store to your account. If you set things up right, you won't have any major problems. Otherwise, chance of loss is small (regardless of the hype about it) but the cost and trouble one rare incident can cause may be is worth taking the necessary precautions so you don't have to worry. It is extremely helpful to have a separate telephone line for the business, with a fax machine that can be left on at all times. (Since one of the main benefits of a fax is that people can contact you from any time zone during their waking hours, it seems counter-productive to turn off your fax at night, or to use the same line for both phone and fax unless the fax can detect and pick up fax calls automatically.) Included in the business is free internet exposure on the Corbin web site, and inclusion in the World Directory of Custom Bullet Makers at no charge. You will need to have a brochure and price list printed with your telephone number, mailing address, fax and e-mail. Most custom bullet businesses are "cash up front": you get paid first, then make and ship the products. This avoids credit problems, COD's, and most of the book keeping. A custom bullet business is ideal because the product is designed to be assembled into someone else's ammunition, avoiding nearly all liability associated with guns or ammunition (your part is just an inert metal object, the bullet). What better product to sell than one which disappears as soon as it is used? Guns last for generations, but bullets need to be purchased over and over again, providing a steady income stream "forever". | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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![]() To discuss your favorite calibers and shooting interests, and see how you can relate that to a profitable custom bullet business of your own, e-mail, call or write to Dave Corbin today. Most of the custom bullet businesses in the world today started in just this manner! Order DC-SALES program on CD-ROM; instant pricing at any profit level for any bullet design, packaging quantity, and distribution system (dealer, distributor, end-user at any discount level). Easy to use software gives you the right pricing for your custom bullets to assure desired margins. Takes into consideration many hidden expenses and details that are often overlooked. Avoids the errors so many small businesses make in figuring their selling price and discount structure. ![]() Other useful information can be found on TIII Turning Ideas Into Income, a summary of decades of information for and about bullet making businesses, including organization, legal issues such as non-disclosures and patents, marketing concepts, promotional methods, appropriate advertising, and so much more. A portion of the book is dedicated to the results of a field trip through several states undertaken to visit both highly successful bullets businesses, and those in the same area and market which were not selling as much product as they wished. The key differences are pointed out, so that no bullet maker need repeat the same errors. |
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How to start Your Own Bullet Swaging Business