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About Corbin Swaging Presses

You can use a reloading press or a swaging press to make bullets.

  • For information about the use of reloading presses for swaging, select Reloading Press.

  • Corbin currently builds three swaging presses. (All come with reloading adapters for standard 7/8-14 reloading dies and shell holders. The two larger presses accept larger 1-1/2 x 12 dies and come with an adapter for 7/8-14 threaded shell holders as well as the standard button style made popular by RCBS).
    1. CSP-1 S-Press
    2. CSP-2 Mega Mite Press
    3. CHP-1 Hydro Press
To discover which of the Corbin presses is best suited to your needs, read on...
Corbin steel framed bullet swaging presses also reload ammunition with standard reloading dies and shell holders (with extreme power and precision). They are primarily designed to operate special ram-installed bullet swaging dies, as well as jacket making, and drawing dies which do not work in reloading presses. These type -S and -H type dies work more quickly and with greater accuracy than would be possible using a mass produced, over-the-counter reloading press. Type -S dies have 5/8-24 tenons with 1 inch body, and type -H dies have 1-in x 12 tenons with 1.5 inch body, and screw directly into the press ram.

Corbin presses are equipped with 7/8-14 threaded heads or come with a free adapter from 1.5-12 thread to 7/8-14 thread, so you can use standard RCBS-type reloading dies and shell holders. You can replace your single-station reloading press with the stronger, better aligned swaging press. The larger CSP-2 and CHP-1 presses accept 1.5 x 12 threaded 50 BMG reloading dies and 1 x 12 threaded punch holders, as well as conventional size dies and punch holders.

Corbin Swaging Presses all feature automatic ejection on the down stroke, so one hand is free to handle the components even while operating the press. This can more than triple the output compared to the use of a reloading press.

Corbin presses feature self-aligning floating punch holders, in the press head. This is normally where a reloading die is installed, but for swaging, the swage die fits into the press ram. This allows automatic ejection, but also means you can simply drop components into the die rather than try to push them up and hold them in place while the external punch is being inserted (as with a reloading press). The convenience and ease of loading materials greatly speeds up the process.

Corbin hand-built presses have multiple stroke settings, for task-appropriate power/stroke length ratios. The single-station, industrial-chrome finished alloy steel rams and roller-bearing linkage deliver durability and the bonus of accurate reloading, as well as jacket drawing, bullet sizing, gas-check manufacture, and compressed powder-metal bullet forming...a wealth of operations possible with each press, using proper tooling available from Corbin. All moving parts run in bearings, even the rams. Links are equipped with four sets of high precision roller bearings.

Corbin bullet swaging presses have more than 200% of the leverage of any conventional reloading press, in the swaging stroke, and as much as 135% of the leverage of conventional reloading presses even in the longer reloading stroke setting. Multiple handle options are available for the manual presses, including roller handles and extra long handles for tough jobs.

Which Press?
    Hand Presses...
  1. For calibers from .102 to .458, bullet length up to 1.3 inches... select CSP-1 S-Press
  2. For calibers over .458 or lengths over 1.3 inches... select CSP-2 MegaMite Press
  3. Power Press...
  4. For calibers up to 1 inch, lengths up to 2.5 inches... select CHP-1 Hydro-Press

Note: the CSP-1 press uses -S type dies. CSP-2 and CHP-1 use -H type dies. Any larger press can also make the smaller calibers and lengths, but -S dies are limited to .458 or smaller diameter bullets, and 1.3-in or shorter components. Getting larger equipment is a good plan if you might want to make larger bullets in the future.

Select Your Press:
  • CSP-1 S-Press: ...Benchrest reloading/102-458 cal swaging, -S dies
    This is the press most bullet-makers and handloaders choose for home use

  • CSP-2 Mega-Mite: ...Up to 50 cal reloading, 12-ga. swaging, -H dies
    Ideal for larger calibers, bullets longer than 1.3 inches

  • CHP-1 Hydro-Press: ...Jacket drawing, wire extrusion, swaging, reloading, -H dies
    Choice of government and commercial R&D facilities, ideal for home business

  • Adapter Bushings: ...Adapter bushings for other brands, styles of reloading dies
    May also be useful for other presses and special large thread dies

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About Corbin 6mm Benchrest Jacket